EPIC Sharp™ Quality Granulator Blades and Knives
Services For Plastics (SFP) manufacturers a complete line of new OEM style replacement EPIC Sharp™ Granulator rotor and bed blades for the plastics processing industry. SFP is in the unique position of making OEM style blades better than stock, we offer high wear coatings for those applications that require longer lasting blades. All blades are match ground per set to ensure precision fit, precise cutting and longevity.
The condition of your grinder bed knives and rotating knives is key to grinder and granulator performance. Having blades that are properly sharpened will: Increase Cutting Rate Efficiency, Decrease Fines, and Decrease Noise.
Sharpening Services
SFP specializes in granulator blade sharpening at a significant cost savings over new blades. We sharpen blades from all granulator manufacturers including: bed blades, rotating fly blades, and segmented blades. After using our blades, you will see and understand the difference. For more information, click here.
EPIC Sharp™ Granulator Blades
EPIC Sharp™ provides the highest quality steel and dimensional tolerances that you can find for your blades and knives. For more information, click here.
Our Commitment
Nothing is more important than getting it right the first time. That's why our design team will do whatever it takes to custom design the best blades and knives necessary to match your specific application. Our experienced design team is dedicated to providing exceptional design and technical support. When you need assistance, we're here to make your job easier, just call us at 800-627-1033.
Production Capabilities
Our granulator knives are manufactured from the highest quality steel and to the dimensional tolerances that meet or exceed OEM specifications, available in premium D-2 tool steel.
The following is a list of the most popular Blades and Knives
manufacturer brands we offer.
Call us today for a quote
on your next Blade purchase or sharpening!
Abbe, Acme, Adams, Adler, AEC, AEC-Nelmor, Albis-Mazza, Alexanderwerk, Alpine, Alpine-American, Alsteele, Alsteele-Entoleter, Amacoil, Amacoil-Polymer, Amacoil-Rapid, ARP, Autogrind, Avian, Ball & Jewell, Ball & Jewell-Maverick, Ball & Jewell-Sterling, Battenfeld, Beier, Beloit, Berlyn, Blackfriars, Brabender, Buss-Condux, Cincinnati Milacron, CMB, CMG, Colortronic, Comet, Commodore, Conair, Conair-Hushguard, Conair-Wortex, Condux, Corcoran R.S., Cosmoplastics, CPM Roskamp Champion, Cresswood, Cumberland, DMG Mori Seiki, Dreher, Eagle, EconoGrind, Eldan, Engelsmann, Enma, Entoleter, Erema, Falzoni, Flinchbaugh (FPI), Follceri, Foremost, Franklin Miller Taskmaster, Genox, Getecha, Gilbert Azzini, Gloucester, Granutec, Gruendler, Hamilton, Hammermill, Heli, Hellweg, Herbold, Herbold-Meckesheim, Horai, Hosokawa Micron, Husky, Hydreclaim, Illig, IMS, Jacobson, Jordan Reduction, L & R, Lindner, Lyle, MA Industries, Maguire, Maku, Marathon-Nelmor, Matsui, Meccano-Plastica, MG, Mitts & Merrill, Moretto, Moser, Mossberg, MPG, MTB, Nelmor, Nelmor-Ball & Jewell, Nelmor-Pelletizer, Neue-Herbold, NGR, Nicko, Ningbo Huare, Nissui, Orenda, Pacific Rim, Pagani, Pallmann, Panchal, Pax, Plastic Recycling Machines, Polymer Systems, Polymer-Amacoil, Polymer-Cincinnati, Polymer-Rapid, Previero, Primotechnica, Process Control, Prosino, Rainville, Ramco (R & A), Rapid-Conair, Rapid-Granulator, Renmar, Republic, Retech, Rotogran, Rotoplex, Royal, Satrind, Scholberg, Security Engineered Machinery, Shini, Shini USA, Shred-Tech, SICON, Sorema (Division of Previero), Sprout Bauer, Sprout Waldron, SRS (Size Reduction Specialist), SSI, Sterling, Taylor Stiles, Temptek, Terrier, Thoreson-McCosh, Toshiba Machine, Tria America, Triple S, TRM, Una-Dyn (Division of Piovan), Untha, USG, Van Dorn, Vecoplan, Vecoplan Retech, Virtus Granulator, Virtus Shredder, Wanner-Technik, Wash, Wedlon, Weima, Weima America, Weldon, WET, Williams, Wittmann, Wittmann Battenfeld, Woric, Wortex, WZ, Young Machine, Zeno, Zerma Granulator, Zerma Shredder