Quality Granulator Screens
Services For Plastics manufactures the highest quality replacement granulator screens for the plastics processing and recycling industries. Designed and manufactured to surpass OEM specifications, our screens are constructed with superior dimensional accuracy, to yield the most consistent pellet regrind size. Furthermore, our machining and bending of the screens, maximizes the life span of the granulator screen.
All Shapes and Sizes
SFP has the knowledge and expertise to manufacture thousands of different granulator screen sizes and patterns. SFP can reverse engineer from drawings or samples, any unknown screens. Just send us your drawing or your sample screen, for a quotation of a custom-made screen. While the OEM only offers a few hole sizes per screen, SFP also offers custom holes of any size and shape, to fit every reduction application. Sizes are available from 3/32 inch up to 3 inches, metric hole sizes are available in 2.4 mm up to 75 mm. Screen hole shapes are available in: circles, squares, hexagons, and octagons. Holes are smooth cut increasing the life span of screens.
Fastest Delivery
Don't wait 6 weeks or more for your new screen. SFP offers standard deliveries that beat all OEM's, and we also offer expedite deliveries of 1 or 2 weeks, depending upon screen complexity. Ask us for your expedited delivery option when calling 800-627-1033.
Our Commitment
Nothing is more important than getting it right the first time! That is why our design team will do whatever it takes to custom design the best screen to match your specific application. Our experienced design team is dedicated to providing exceptional technical support and customer service. When you need assistance, we are here to make your job easier, just call us at 800-627-1033.
Production Capabilities
SFP granulator and grinder screens last longer than any other screen on the market.All granulator screens are manufactured from the highest quality U.S. steel. SFP manufactures your screens using three distinct performance grades of steel: low carbon hot-rolled steel, corrosion resistant stainless steel, and abrasion resistant plate steel.
The following list is of the
most popular Screen manufacturer brands we offer.
Call us today for a quote on your next Screen purchase!
Abbe, Acme, Adams, Adler, AEC, AEC-Nelmor, Albis-Mazza, Alexanderwerk, Alpine, Alpine-American, Alsteele, Alsteele-Entoleter, Amacoil, Amacoil-Polymer, Amacoil-Rapid, ARP, Autogrind, Avian, Ball & Jewell, Ball & Jewell-Maverick, Ball & Jewell-Sterling, Battenfeld, Beier, Beloit, Berlyn, Blackfriars, Brabender, Buss-Condux, Cincinnati Milacron, CMB, CMG, Colortronic, Comet, Commodore, Conair, Conair-Hushguard, Conair-Wortex, Condux, Corcoran R.S., Cosmoplastics, CPM Roskamp Champion, Cresswood, Cumberland, DMG Mori Seiki, Dreher, Eagle, EconoGrind, Eldan, Engelsmann, Enma, Entoleter, Erema, Falzoni, Flinchbaugh (FPI), Follceri, Foremost, Franklin Miller Taskmaster, Genox, Getecha, Gilbert Azzini, Gloucester, Granutec, Gruendler, Hamilton, Hammermill, Heli, Hellweg, Herbold, Herbold-Meckesheim, Horai, Hosokawa Micron, Husky, Hydreclaim, Illig, IMS, Jacobson, Jordan Reduction, L & R, Lindner, Lyle, MA Industries, Maguire, Maku, Marathon-Nelmor, Matsui, Meccano-Plastica, MG, Mitts & Merrill, Moretto, Moser, Mossberg, MPG, MTB, Nelmor, Nelmor-Ball & Jewell, Nelmor-Pelletizer, Neue-Herbold, NGR, Nicko, Ningbo Huare, Nissui, Orenda, Pacific Rim, Pagani, Pallmann, Panchal, Pax, Plastic Recycling Machines, Polymer Systems, Polymer-Amacoil, Polymer-Cincinnati, Polymer-Rapid, Previero, Primotechnica, Process Control, Prosino, Rainville, Ramco (R & A), Rapid-Conair, Rapid-Granulator, Renmar, Republic, Retech, Rotogran, Rotoplex, Royal, Satrind, Scholberg, Security Engineered Machinery, Shini, Shini USA, Shred-Tech, SICON, Sorema (Division of Previero), Sprout Bauer, Sprout Waldron, SRS (Size Reduction Specialist), SSI, Sterling, Taylor Stiles, Temptek, Terrier, Thoreson-McCosh, Toshiba Machine, Tria America, Triple S, TRM, Una-Dyn (Division of Piovan), Untha, USG, Van Dorn, Vecoplan, Vecoplan Retech, Virtus Granulator, Virtus Shredder, Wanner-Technik, Wash, Wedlon, Weima, Weima America, Weldon, WET, Williams, Wittmann, Wittmann Battenfeld, Woric, Wortex, WZ, Young Machine, Zeno, Zerma Granulator, Zerma Shredder